Music discovery mobile app concept
The goal of the mobile app concept was to create a music app that helps music fans discover music from all across the globe. World music is typically regionally shared until it hits mainstream. The idea of this app is to allow music fans to discover, like, and share music of similar styles to their listener attributes.

Understanding music discovery
After validating persona, discovery, and conducting research interview I was able to begin organizing and documenting the user’s current experience and journey. Research and discovery opens up ideas that allow us to leverage new technologies that guide innovation and automation.
Concept presentation
Viva world music app

This is your Product section paragraph. It’s an ideal place to showcase the types of products available, and underline any important or unique features.
Logo ideas
Sketching ideas is extremely useful when ideating logo designs. I like to quickly concept ideas in my head first and then transfer to illustrator.

Low-fidelity wires
Quickly producing black and white or color concepts digitally using a tool like Paper 53 really helps communicate your vision and ideas to stakeholders.

Sketching concepts
I usually prefer to quickly sketch ideas on paper or with a stylus on iPad Pro using Paper 53 app or other sketchbook apps. I can quickly concept ideas and show wireflows or journey mapping that I can quickly share with team members.

Using sketches, low and high fidelity ideas, I like to start documenting each user journey in a visual way so my viewing audience mentally grasps the ideas and how the will work.